A 3 Day Online workshop for HR, L&D, Leaders, PoSH & PoCSO Trainers, Educational Professionals, Soft Skill Trainers, Social Impact Professionals and Young Professionals interested to pursue DEI as a career facilitated by SStraight Circles and VLegal.

Cohort 2 Dates: Aug 2nd – 4th (Friday – Sunday)

Time: 10am – 5pm on all 3 days

Program Fee: INR 12,000 (GPay / PayTM – 9810991141)


Aug 2nd – 4th

10am to 5pm

INR 12000

SStraight Circles (SC), is India’s “walk-the-talk” Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) expert. Over its 7 years of existence, SC has empowered organizations with DEI solutions, training, campaigns and various projects across diverse industries spanning the IT, Pharma, Manufacturing, Engineering and BFSI sectors in the country. Read More


Hosted SamaBhav

an International Film Festival on the theme of Gender Equity in collaboration with MAVA, Mumbai

50+ DEI

projects, campaigns and events successfully completed in last 6 years

5000+ people

on Gender and prevention of sexual and workplace harassment.

Conceptualised & designed

content to bridge cross cultural gaps and foster cultural inclusion covering 3000 employees across 8 countries

17000+ professionals

impacted across 6 cities in India (Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune and Delhi)


Gender Roundtable “Male Engagement for Gender Equality” at the American Center, U.S. Consulate, Chennai


VLEGAL, a law firm based at Bengaluru focuses on and argue for a simplified law and the court proceedings in India. 
VLEGAL offers various corporate training on the Legal topics. It imparts training on the laws related to the prevention of sexual harassments against Women, children & Transgenders.

VLEGAL has a wide trainers network in India involved in sensitisation of public about sexual harassment against women & children. It also offers various workshops for corporate and support them to implement DE&I.


Advise corporates in implementing DEI culture

Provide consulting services in DEI initiatives

Impart trainings on DEI topics

Draft policies & SoPs, Code of Conduct etc.

Learn more about how you can be an advocate for DEI in your workplace, community or organization.

You have assumed responsibility for DEI in your Organization or have recently joined a team with that responsibility.

You are involved with your Company’s ERG / BRG or Diversity Council as a Leader or Member and want to deepen your understanding of DEI

You would like to pursue a career in DEI or work as a DEI consultant

Program Outline

How will we go about it ?

  • Introduction to DEI
  • Emotional Intelligence – Core values of a DEI Practitioner / How to be a good Ally
  • Inclusive Leadership and dealing with biases & stereotypes @ the workplace
  • Framing an Organization DEI goal, plan, strategy and implementation
  • Understanding Gender, LGBTQ+ and usage of pronouns
  • Bystander Intervention for safe and inclusive workplaces & communities
  • Understanding Persons with Disabilities (Physical, Neurodiversity, Invisible disabilities)
  • DEI Components at the workplace
  • Identify various DEI goals for the Organization
  • Running Diversity and Accessibility Audits
  • Making policies and processes inclusive Creation of ERGs and BRGs – What, Why and How
  • DEI Metrics
  • Ways to keep the Inclusion dialogue ongoing
  • Equity, Equality and Sensitivity – The Indian Constitutional perspectives
  • Legal & social aspects of Diversity related to culture, ethnicity, age etc
  • Handling sensitive and private information
  • Laws relating to LGBTQ+
  • Laws related to Mental Health & Disability – The care and concern@workplace
  • Law relating to HIV Act
  • Laws related to Women – Equal Remuneration, POSH and Maternity benefits
  • Learning legal Phrases with respect to DEI
  • DEI Policies – the legal inputs

Learning Outcome

Upon completing this program, participants will be able to:
  • Better understand what it means to be an Inclusive Leader
  • Notice how unconscious biases can impact interactions with others
  • Understand how the applicable laws are crucial for policies and processes at the workplace
  • Speak about the value of DEI work in a way that engages the people around them
  • Sensitize Employees, Leaders and Communities on the critical importance and impact of DEI
  • Be a wonderful Ally by inspiring action using Bystander Intervention methodologies

What will the participants get?

Participants will:
  • Receive a participation certificate signed by VLEGAL and SStraight Circles for attending the program
  • Be equipped with knowledge and skills to practice DE&I
  • Have access to 1 Q&A session after the Program with the Program Facilitators
  • Have access to 2 group coaching sessions to support implementation of 1 DEI initiative
  • Join a community of DEI practitioners to discuss and support each other. Also receive privileged access to international / domestic / virtual DEI events through SStraight Circles (SC) / SStraight Circles Foundation (SCF)
  • Have access to content, links and toolkits used during the training sessions



Lavanya Soman

Muhammed Rafeeque
Deepa Rafeeque

FREquently Asked questions

Yes, this program would be applicable for anyone looking to have a career in DEI
No matter where you are in your DEI journey, you are a Practitioner! so if you are keen to drive change, Cohort 2 onwards enables you to not only understand the fundamentals but to also advance forward in your DEI journey. We want to remove tags and labels to the level of your DEI journey.
If you have attended Cohort – 1 and would like to attend Cohort – 2 as a Refresher, the charges are Rs. 4,500/-
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