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About us

Headquartered in Chennai, India, SStraight Circles is a People Solutions Consulting firm that works with Organizations through their journey of building and transforming their existing workplace into a “Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive” space.

We are on a mission to revolutionize and build Happy Workplaces and High Productive Business Environments


What is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the Workplace?

Knowing the language of D E& I, encourages organizations to create bias-conscious workplaces that celebrate and respect every individual for their distinct self; irrespective of their ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, personal abilities and / or various other factors


Diversity in the workplace refers to having employees from various backgrounds, irrespective of their Gender, Sexual orientation, Age, Persons with Disabilities, Religion, Color, Caste, Community, Culture, Education, and many other factors


Equity implies a work ambience that fosters equal access to opportunities, equal growth, and equal resources for all


Inclusion in the workplace is the ability for all employees to be treated, as they would always want to be treated; without the fear of judgement and to feel welcome and safe, always

Our Services

We provide an array of services that empower you to embrace and adapt to a DE&I happy workplace and Organizational culture. Our services are distinctly focused upon inducing an Inclusive culture where everyone plays a crucial role in contributing to the creation of a dynamically Inclusive culture.

SStraight Circles offers consulting services and workshops to foster a culture of Inclusion, develop a sense of belongingness, and mitigate the presence of unconscious bias through meaningful engagement.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consulting

Wherever you are in the journey of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, be it an introduction to a Diverse and Inclusive Culture; be it innovative approach to your existing DE&I practices or troubleshooting. We are your Inclusive Buddies.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Workshops

Bespoke training solutions for Organisations and individuals to improve, adapt, and implement practices that help improve the organizational cultural competency.

Podcast - Produce & Host

Get ready to go vocal for your unique ideas and practices; share your experiences and thoughts about D E & I. An innovative medium to ensure you reach the maximum number of people without any inhibitions and barriers.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Creatives & Films

Understanding the intricacies of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is now easier through our visual Creatives and films. With our out-of-the-box ideas, break the barriers that hover around embracing the true spirit of Diversity Equity & Inclusion at workplaces.

SStraight Circles Foundation (SCF) is the NGO unit of SStraight Circles.
Dedicated to keeping inclusion at the heart of all our conversations and actions, the purpose of SStraight Circles Foundation is to create Awareness and Empower people with courage so they can take Action and be a voice for themselves and the communities they represent or support. Through our NGO, we will work with global organizations, Educational Institutions, Not for Profits, government organizations, public entities, social organizations, and underrepresented communities of Women, Persons with Disabilities, and LGBTQ+, driving various initiatives, projects, and campaigns to bring the required change.

Our Clients


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